
Caesarean Section

Fragment of the performance

Caesarean Section



Caesarean Section the stunning hour-long work from Poland’s Teatr Zar playing in Chicago just this weekend, is a mediation on suicide

Chris Jones , A river of glass runs through gut-wrenching 'Caesarean Section'
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Il Teatr Zar di Wroclaw è una giovane compagnia di ricerca teatrale che fonda i suoi spettacoli sulla musica, il canto, la danza e il movimento

Susanna Battisti, Spettacoli sulle scene e sugli schermi
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Taglio Cesareo è una performance totale in cui le distinzioni di categoria cadono, a dominare è l'atmosfera

Giulio Sonno, Taglio cesareo, Jarosław Fret, Teatr ZAR
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The start of the performance sets the tone of Caesarean Section

Steven Fraser , Caesarean Section. Essays on Suicide. Summerhall
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The audience is seated in traverse, on either side of the stage area. The performers are in the space – sitting, waiting – and a metronome is ticking loudly.

Mim King , Teatr ZAR. Caesarean Section. Essays on Suicide
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Wine-glasses splinter shockingly on the floor, adding to the risk that glints from a line of crystalline shards embedded down the middle of the stage

Mary Brennan , Fringe performance
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It begins in a darkened tent with the tick of a metronome, the stamping of feet and the shattering of glass

Lyn Gardner , Caesarean Section. Essays on Suicide – revive
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Once again pinpoints the beauty and excited moment when I find theatre that I’ve been looking for all year

Teatr ZAR Sweeps the Herald Angel and Total Theatre Awards in Edinburgh
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Polish company grapples with deeply human emotion elegantly and sensitively

Carrie Tucker , Caesarean Section. Essays on Suicide
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Above and beyond in experimental drama

Robert Hurwitt , „Gospels” goes above and beyond
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Kobieta na błyszczàcym, tłuczonym szkle

Marzena Gabryk, Rozlane wino – tłuczone szkło
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Alternative troupe uses polyphony to tell the story

Joel Brown , For Poland's Teatr Zar, hearing is believing
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Muzyka spoza ciszy

Dariusz Kosiński , Kolumna i szczelina
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