History of Teatr ZAR

Performances are just part of a long process of

Research, expeditions, personal explorations and transformation

ZAR brings back theatre as it was before art ruptured into different disciplines and styles. Its work addresses themes that, in the contemporary world, seem to be reserved only for the religious domain. It comes from conviction, influenced by Polish Romantic ideas, that art is not only complementary to religion but can fill the dynamic chasm between the everyday and transcendent life.

Juliusz Osterwa, one of the greatest figures of 20th-century Polish theatre who tried to put these ideas into practice – and one whose ideas had a great impact on Jerzy Grotowski – once wrote: God created theatre for those for whom the church does not suffice.

Gospels of Childhood

Cultivating an ethos of ensemble work, Teatr ZAR develops productions through a long process of creating its own theatrical language, which draws on music from numerous traditions found in the East and West.

Starting from 2011, the company was focused on Armine, Sister project dedicated to Armenian culture and history and to the Armenian genocide. A new performance was premiered on the 28th November 2013 at the Na Grobli Studio of the Grotowski Institute in Wrocław. Since then, apart from Wroclaw, it was presented in Warsaw, London, Oslo, Rome, Paris, Szczecin, Florence, during International Theatre Festival in Sibiu Romania and San Francisco.

The newest spectacle of Teatr ZAR Medeas. On Getting Across premiered during Theatre Olympics in Wrocław in October 2016. In the year 2017 Teatr ZAR a new version of performance was presented among others during Forest Festival in Thessaloniki. Medeas. On Getting Across puts an uneasy fate of a nowadays refugees in the centre of the myth.