Step by step – Dance workshop

Josephine Ann Endicott, Bénédicte Billiet and Sophia Otto invite you to join them in a workshop where they will share their knowledge of dance and stories of life in movement.
Through guided improvisation and by exploring different qualities of individuals and textures in bodies we hope to awaken an awareness to one`s own body “flow”.
We’ll roll, unroll, bounce and take care of the exact way where the movements take place in space – taking great care in what happens with the arms, hands, fingers. Then starting from our bodyline, between earth and sky, we’ll begin with simple exercises concerning each part of the body, to awaken our feet, strengthen our back, work on its flexibility, elongate our limbs, play with our weight, round our bones, and nevertheless, let go.
We’ll extend the exercises to combinations, add small tasks and let our bodies talk through gestures, words, smiles, a twinkle in the eyes.
And then run, let one movement follow another one, fill the space, and enjoy.
Course language: English and French.
Duration: May 16-20, 2024 (Studio Na Grobli of the Jerzy Grotowski Institute)
Session Hours: 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Applications for the workshop must be submitted by April 31, 2024, by filling an online form a short description of Your experience and a motivational letter:
Due to the limited number of participants, we reserve the right to select participants based on the materials submitted.
The participation fee for the workshop is 400 PLN, payable within 7 days after confirmation from the organizers on May 3, 2024.
Josephine Ann Endicott was born in Australia in 1950. She began taking ballet lessons at the age of 7. At 16 she was accepted into the Australian Ballet School and 2 years later into the Australian Ballet Company. In 1973 she was discovered by Pina Bausch and has remained either as a constant member or as guest either as dancer, rehearsal director or assistant. Until today she is one of the major re-stagers of Pina Bausch`s legacy for the older repertory pieces.
Bénédicte Billiet was born in France in 1954. After her studies at the Conservatoire National de Paris, she entered the “Ballet de Lyon” in 1972, worked then, from 1976, as a free-lance dancer in Paris. Pina Bausch engaged her as a dancer in 1981until 1989, then from 2001 for the archive and as a rehearsal assistant. Since May 2020 she works again as a freelancer.
Sophia Otto was born in Wuppertal in 1993. After her first important stage experiences in Pina Bausch’s “Kontakthof für Teenagger ab 14”, she studied Dance at ZzT Köln and Folkwang University of the Arts, Essen, where she graduated in 2018. As a freelance dancer she has been working with, among others, José Vidal, Alexandra Piricci, Jean Laurent Sasportes and Bibiana Jiménez. She also creates her own work as a choreographer.
Workshop is carried out as part of Teatr ZAR project “Action • Dance • Voice”. Co-financed by the Minister of Culture and National Heritage from the Culture Promotion Fund as part of the Dance program, implemented by National Institute of Music and Dance.