Founder and leader of Studio Matejka. Studied acting at the State Conservatory in Bratislava, Slovakia, later music acting at JAMU University in Brno (Czech Republic). In 2001–2006 actor of theatre studio Farm in the Cave, Prague and co-creator of the projects and performances Dark Love Sonnets, Journey to the Station and SCLAVI / The Song of an Emigrant. Since 2005 he collaborates with the Grotowski Institute where he is engaged in research of physical expression in theatre. He is also an actor of Teatr ZAR: performs in three parts of Gospels of Childhood. The Triptych. Leads his own work sessions Wakening the Listening Body at the Grotowski Institute, as well as with Teatr ZAR, both in Poland and internationally.
He collaborates with other artists, among others with Vivien Wood and Jaro Viniarsky. In his work he searches for the performer’s essence of communication where both dance and drama are only vehicles for the actor’s expression.