Nobody Meets Nobody
Performance by
Aleksandra Kugacz-Semerci and Mertcan Semerci
Writers, performers: Aleksandra Kugacz-Semerci and Mertcan Semerci
The performance piece is inspired by Peter Asmussen’s play Ingen møder nogen (in a Polish translation by Paweł Partyka and an English translation by Anders Dohn and Simon Boberg)
Associate director: Jarosław Fret
Stage movement conceived in collaboration with: Joanna Jaworska-Maciaszek
Lights: Dawid Ilczyszyn
Languages: Polish and English
Premiered on 8 February 2019 at the Grotowski Institute
Producer: The Grotowski Institute
Running time: 50 minutes
Do we need another person
A constantly present witness to our existence, our dying, passing away, our forgetting, to validate our own identity and make it real? It is no longer necessary to meet the Other. No One tries to meet Anyone. No One meets Anyone.